
Geological Information

Lazulite crystals are a type of phosphate mineral that typically forms in granitic rocks.

They are most commonly found in metamorphic rocks that were once shales or mudstones.

Lazulite crystals are often blue or violet-blue in colour, ranging from transparent to opaque.

They have a vitreous to greasy luster and are commonly prismatic in shape, with well-defined faces and edges.

Lazulite crystals have a Mohs hardness of 5.5 to 6.0, making them relatively hard but still susceptible to scratching.

They are also known for their pleochroism, which means that they exhibit different colours when viewed from different angles.

Historical Information

Lazulite was first discovered in the early 19th century in Germany, it was named for its blue colour.

Metaphysical Information

Lazulite crystals promote inner peace and spiritual growth.

These crystals are said to activate the third eye chakra, enhancing intuition and psychic abilities.

They are also thought to aid in meditation, promoting mental clarity and focus.

Lazulite crystals are believed to be helpful in releasing negative emotions such as anger and promoting feelings of calm and serenity.

Additionally, they are said to enhance communication with spiritual beings and promote a deeper connection to the universe.